Elected Officials
Mayor: Ben Glenn (2026) -glennconstruction@rtconnect.net
Council Member: Heidi Humpal (4 Year Term) (2028) - h_danyel@yahoo.com
Council Member: Dale Peterson (4 Year Term) (2028) - FrankandShadow01@gmail.com
Council Member: Austin Smith (4 Year Term) (2026) - smithaustin91@gmail.com
Council Member: Robert Stewart (4 Year Term) (2026) - robertstewart56@hotmail.com
Key Municipal Personnel
Town Attorney: Pat Carpenter
Municipal Judge: Bruce Brown
Jesse Connally
Samantha Blakeman
Deputy Clerk
Town Engineer: HDR Engineering
Building Inspector: Jeff Holberg
Electrical Inspector: State of Wyoming
$150.00 utility deposit is required on service accounts. A copy of a valid driver's license and/or identification card is required. Auto pay is available for automatic payments to be drafted from your checking or savings each month. Please inquire at Town Hall. Credit cards are not accepted at the window, but credit card payments are available online under the Online Payments tab on the website.
Utility Application
Service Change Order
Town Service Complaint